Dr. Hauschka Australia

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Your eco questions answered

We care for the environment. In all sincerity.

It is pretty remarkable: here at Dr. Hauschka, we have been producing cosmetics from nothing but pure nature for over 50 years. In doing so, every year we replace 588 tons of mineral-oil-based and microplastic infused chemicals with completely biodegradable natural substances. We tend to our well-established herb garden and migrate farms all over the world to certified Demeter biodynamic cultivation. We avoid taking flights wherever possible and drive fuel-efficient cars. And yet, the rest of the world seems to be overtaking us somehow.

Suddenly, everyone is green. And no-one is turning red about it. But should we sacrifice precious arable land to grow crops for organic plastics that are not even recyclable? Should we sneak a few chemical/synthetic preservatives into our creams so we can do away with aluminium tubes? And should we make our industrious bees unemployed just so that we can be vegan?


We have made a firm promise to both ourselves and you that when it comes to the things we are passionate about – the environment, nature, responsibility and sustainability – there is one thing we will never forget: sincerity.

We therefore want to take this opportunity to present our views on a few hotly discussed environmental issues. With complete honesty.

Topic: climate

Climate change is largely caused by CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels. We therefore want our work to be 100% CO₂ neutral, at least at our head office in Eckwälden, Southern Germany. We achieved this goal in 2020 by avoiding direct CO₂ emissions. For example, by opting for green electricity (which we have done since 2001 ) and using biogas from waste materials to heat our buildings.

We offset unavoidable CO₂ emissions, e. g. due to travel, with atmosfair. This enables the non-profit organisation to finance climate protection projects around the world, for example the installation of solar ovens in Nepal. We also share our contacts and experience from raw material partnerships with atmosfair.

Thanks to these measures, we could join the many other companies who are loudly celebrating being ‘climate neutral’. However, despite free public transport and company bicycles for our employees, and despite generating 330,000 kilowatt hours of electricity from solar panels every year, we are ashamed to admit that there is nothing for us to celebrate. Rather, that our work is far from done.

This is because ‘climate neutrality’ in Eckwälden is not enough for us. We also want to reduce our CO₂ emissions in the value chain to almost zero as quickly as possible.

Topic: plastic

Why do our creams still come in plastic tubes? In part because the CO₂ emissions when producing plastic are far lower than those when producing glass and aluminium. Plastic can generally be easily recycled and offers good product protection with little use of materials. Pure natural cosmetics without preservatives are very sensitive. In this regard, product protection means resource protection to us – and therefore environmental protection.

The use of bioplastic, on the other hand, is often nothing more than greenwashing as valuable natural habitats are often destroyed to ‘grow’ packaging. That means that these plastics made from renewable raw materials are in no way sustainable. Bioplastics are only a consideration for us if they are demonstrably more environmentally friendly than conventional plastics.

At the moment, we do not use any biodegradable plastics either as no recycling systems exist for them yet. If they are not properly disposed of, they will simply add to the microplastic problem.

Topic: recycling

Recycling packaging reduces mountains of waste and helps protect the environment. As a result, we use recyclable materials whenever possible. We also opt for packaging that remains in the recycling cycle for as long as possible thanks to its design. When it comes to recycling, every single one of us must play our part. After all, only through correct disposal can valuable packaging materials end up in the recycling cycle instead of a furnace. As such, you should always unscrew plastic caps from aluminium tubes before throwing the two materials away separately, for example. By using waste paper and post-consumer recycled ( PCR ) plastics, we reduce the need for valuable raw materials and actively help protect the environment. This is because this reduces the energy-intensive and environmentally damaging processes of sourcing and producing raw materials. We are also migrating the aluminium tubes for our cosmetics to use 100 % recycled material from industrial waste. This saves 95 % energy and therefore hundreds of tons of CO₂ and millions of litres of water.

Topic: microplastic

Our certified natural cosmetics are exclusively made from ingredients of natural origin. They are free from mineral oils, silicones and synthetic preservatives – as well as from microplastic, of course.

All plant-based ingredients in Dr. Hauschka products are inherently biodegradable. The same applies to animal ingredients such as honey or beeswax. Substances of mineral origin, such as the iron oxides used in our make-up products, do not affect water bodies and naturally accumulate in the sediment. Due to their natural origin, our surfactants also fulfil the prerequisites for complete biodegradability.

Incidentally, the EU is in the process of legally prohibiting the use of solid microplastic particles in cosmetics. However, this ban does not include liquid plastics, such as silicones, found in many shampoos. These will still be used in conventional cosmetics. We keep them out of our products. And therefore out of the sea.

Topic: organic

Genuine, strictly certified organic farming protects our waters, strengthens the fertility of the soil and supports biodiversity. Ever since our establishment in 1967, here at Dr. Hauschka Skin Care we have turned to nature for our products: over 80 % of our vegetable raw materials are organically cultivated. We want to make this percentage even higher – and increasingly migrate to Demeter biodynamic farming. We are doing this by acquiring further raw material partners all over the world for biodynamic farming.

Demeter and organic farming with compost, crop rotations and green manure emit lower levels of greenhouse gases and store more carbon dioxide in the land than conventional farming. As a result, less CO₂ is released into the atmosphere, helping to fight climate change. Furthermore, humus-rich soil needs less energy and water to farm.

In addition to ‘organic’, we are also committed to ‘regional’. 70% of our fresh plants are regionally sourced. The short transport distances are good news for the quality of the raw materials and the environment. We source plants that are not native to our climate based on the principle ‘as close as possible, as far as necessary’. As such, our organic almonds, for example, do not come from the far-flung shores of California like 80% of all almonds grown worldwide, but from the much nearer location of Spain.

Topic: vegan

Our cosmetics are not always vegan as they deliberately use ingredients from all kingdoms of nature. For example, beeswax is a valuable substance for natural cosmetics. A gift from nature, which we use with the utmost care.

Depending on the skin care effect and the skin’s needs, we decide whether or not to use animal raw materials for each individual product. In doing this, we are aware that whenever we take something from nature, we are responsible for the environment and the quality of the substance we have taken away. For this reason, we have naturally never performed or commissioned any animal testing for our cosmetics.

As an aside: 100% artificial, mineral-oil-based cosmetics are always 100% vegan. That naturally sounds far better than ‘100% chemical’.

Topic: bees

It is clear that bees need our protection. But an intact natural world also needs spiders and beetles, rodents and birds. After all, biodiversity creates a healthy living environment.

This is why we have not only biodynamically cultivated our WALA herb garden for 70 years, but also promote the preservation of biodiversity across the entire company site, for example by planting ancient, almost forgotten varieties of apple trees outside our logistics building.

We only mow our meadow twice a year. This gives grasses, herbs and flowers plenty of time to settle and provides a nesting place and source of food for birds and insects. Ponds, multiple tree species, dead wood and piles of stones provide habitats for toads, dragonflies and many different birds. In the Southern Black Forest, we promote the preservation of the arnica stock through traditional care measures and certified ethical wild harvesting. We also support sustainable agriculture all over the world with our raw material partnerships.


  • 100% pure certified natural cosmetics since 1967.

  • Around 600 tonnes of nature instead of synthetic chemicals every year.

  • 80% plant raw ingredients from organic farming.

  • Conversion to 100% recycled aluminium from PIR (Post Industrial Recycling).

  • By 2025: 90% of packaging for skin care products recyclable.

  • 100% CO₂ neutral at the head office in Eckwälden, Southern Germany.

  • Other CO₂ offset with atmosfair.

Dr. Hauschka Quality

  • Truly 100% natural and/or organic skin care and make-up, NATRUE certified. What does NATRUE Certification mean for you?

  • Free from synthetic chemical fragrances, colours and preservatives

  • Free from mineral oils, silicone and PEG

  • Dermatologically tested for sensitive skin

  • No animal testing

  • Wherever possible, all raw materials come from controlled organic or biodynamic cultivation, and are recovered under fair conditions

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